Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Nathan's Diary

Gymnastics Day by Campbell and Nathan on PhotoPeach

 My name is Nathan and my favourite hobby is tennis. I'm really good and one day I hope to be a tennis champion.
My favourite colours are red, blue, golden, orange, white, green and black.
I do judo and I'm good at it. I like doing it because it helps me to protect my self from other people.I also learn discipline from doing Judo.

1.I have learnt how you make a post.
2.Insert images.
3.Editing images.
4.Make a slideshow.
5.Moderate comments.
6.Edit post using lables.
7.Use appropriate music.
8.Minimise and rerieving.
9.Use code.
10.Numbered list.                                            
I have liked a lot about blogging it has bean really cool. I like making slideshows an making blogs it is a lot of fun.

This is about my year.

My bannana breakfast.


Bouncy Bouncy

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Hi I'm Karly and I'm nine years old. I go to Riwaka school. In my family are Dad, Nick, Mum, Pearl,  Jordan, Leon, Amy, Max, Jon, Beau, Sam and myself.I like school and my favourite thing at school is swimming and it's lots of fun.I love the water slide.I like P.E as well and my favourite thing in P.E is playing with the ball.I love the play ground and it's awesome. I like school!

In blogging I have learnt :
  1.  To put my pictures on my slide show.
  2. To post comments.
  3. How to refresh page.
  4. Editing images.
  5. To edit my post.
  6. Use appropriate and appealing music.
  7. To minimise.
  8. To file new window.
  9. To use code.
  10. To Numbered list.
Blogging was so awesome and I learnt a lot!

This is what I did this year!

Good job.

sing people sing
Music was awesome.


Gymnastics Day by Campbell and Nathan on PhotoPeach

 My name is Nathan and my favourite hobby is tennis. I'm really good and one day I hope to be a tennis champion.
My favourite colours are red, blue, golden, orange, white, green and black.
I do judo and I'm good at it. I like doing it because it helps me to protect my self from other people.I also learn discipline from doing Judo.

1.I have learnt how you make a post.
2.Insert images.
3.Editing images.
4.Make a slideshow.
5.Moderate comments.
6.Edit post using lables.
7.Use appropriate music.
8.Minimise and rerieving.
9.Use code.
10.Numbered list.                                           
I have liked a lot about blogging it has bean really cool. I like making slideshows an making blogs it is a lot of fun.

This is about my year.

My bannana breakfast.


Bouncy Bouncy

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Gymnastics by Lucy and Cheyenne!


Monday, November 1, 2010

Flower of a Lifetime

Our Freesias by Joshua and Jayden. on PhotoPeach

Happy Freesias
Pink and smells nice.
Stands around in the sun.
Happy, nice and awesome, bright and cheerful.
By Isabella

Big Beautiful Bursting Freesias
Pink, white, yellow, bright.
Roots grow bigger and bigger.
Beautiful and big.
By Cheyenne                                                                                                                                                        

Relaxing Freesia
Bright, green and tall
Soaks up the sun all day
It makes me feel really joyful
By Lucy J

The Fast Growing Freesia
Pink, red and white
I water it, grows
It makes me feel proud and joyful
By Jayden

Freesia, the Great Flower!
Yellow and white
Happy, colourful, amazing
By Louie

The Bulb That Grew
Bright, colour, smell,
It grows up tall and strong,
Excited, proud and quite happy,
My plant.
By Otis

Awesome Freesias
I planted a Freesia
I thought it came from Indonesia
It got fed, fed, fed
The next day it was dead, dead, dead
Now we will plant some more
I hope the roots grow to the earth's core!!
By Connor

My Freesia
My freesia started as a very small bulb but about one week later it had a sprout. I had put it by the sun with it's pot in an ice cream container with water for it to soak up. It was fun watching it grow. A couple more weeks on every body was so excited because the freesias started to put out buds. We all felt happy when the flowers came out a month later. We had been waiting patiently to see the bulbs had done their job properly. My freesia is still growing at home.
By James

My Bright White Freesia
Pure white and still
Looks pretty and smells good
It makes me feel happy and cheerful
My bulb!!
By Finn

Not Everything Grows and Flowers!
In term two we planted freesias.  After a few weeks they started to grow except a few, mine was one of those few.  Then after a few weeks mine sprouted a healthy green shoot.  You had to water them and put them in the sun.  Once mine was 5cm tall most of the freesias were so tall that they needed a stake.  I kept watering mine and putting it in the sun.

Then it was the last day of the term and my freesia still hadn't flowered so I took it home.  When I was tightening up the stake the stem broke and that was the end of my freesia.  But I have started a garden of my own and it's going well.
By Jenna

Our Class Freesias
We grew a bulb in a pot.
I'll give it some water.
Then it will grow some more and more.
It'll need some of that beautiful light.
So then it's so so bright with those beautiful colours and look how tall the freesia is.
By Boston

The Flower of a  Lifetime
I planted the bulb
My freesia was beautiful
Then it sadly died
By Campbell

My Fabulous Freesia
Yellow, white, purple, pink
are the colours of the freesia.

It grows in a pot
in the bright yellow sun
which twinkles upon
my plant.

My plant starts to get to
work and in the night
my plant
starts to grow, and there
you have my freesia flower
as beautiful as can be.
By Lucy R

My Beautiful Freesia
I'll plant a small bulb     
Then I'll water my freesia
I enjoyed planting
By Fynn

My freesia smells nice and sweet
Like a little treat.
My freesia likes to sun bathe in the shining sun
While drinking the nice cold water.
When my freesia is wet it looks like a shining diamond in the sky.

My freesia took about 3 weeks to grow the stem and my flower was special because it was the only yellow one in the class. It was awesome. My freesia needs a lot of water but not too much because it will die and my flower needs to have sun. I planted my flower in the garden and I'm going to grow more.

Cool growing thing
Grows tall, stands still, drinks well.
I've got a son, grown up

I put my bulb in the pot with the dirt.
I have to make sure it's up the right way.
After it's in the pot just lightly sprinkle with dirt.
A few weeks on and look... my Freesia's sprouted.
I'm so happy I think that I could sprout too!
My Freesia's grown a bit more, now it's got a few more leaves than it had before.
My Freesia has got a bud or two.
The flowers could be pink, purple, white, yellow or red.
I wonder what colour it will be?
Guess what, my flowers are pink, yay!
My Freesia is dying down now.
But at least it will come again next year in Spring.
It took four months to grow.
From the first stage to the last.

I had a freesia, freesia
It died of drownarea, rea
It laid in the sun,sun
But it didn't sizzle like a bun,bun
It was a lot of fun, fun
Except when it listens with its ear drums, drums
Except when it sadly died, died
It could never hear me again, again

Colourful, nice.
Grows, Sprouts, Stands still, Flower.
Happy, excited, surprised, cool.

Gymnastics Festival by Louie

Gymnastics Festival by Louie on PhotoPeach


My Gymnastics Experience

The best part about the gymnastics festival was doing the pyramids.

Gymnastics by Michael

My Gymnastics Day by Michael. on PhotoPeach

Gymnastics by Lucy and Cheyenne!


My Gymnastics Experience
When practising I learnt how to do a round-off and I got better at balancing too, and my dad gave us gum on the day.  It was really funny when he got into trouble!

Gymnastic by Isabella

  The awesome Gang of Gymnastics by Isabella on PhotoPeac

My Gymnastics Experience
We arrived at the Recreation Centre and did Jump Jam. Then we started the gymnastics. We did skipping, team floor routine and lots more things.                                  

Gymnastics Day by Karly & Connor

Gymnastics festival by Connor & Karly on PhotoPeach

On the gymnastics day I played line tag at play time. I've learnt lots of things and I had fun and the hardest thing was the Box horse. I got more marks than before.
by Karly

At gymnastics day the best thing was the cross vault because it was the easiest one for me.
by Connor

Nathan's Gymnastics

Gymnastics Day by Campbell and Nathan on PhotoPeach

Gymnastics by Campbell

Gymnastics Day by Campbell and Nathan on PhotoPeach

My favourite routine was the floor routine because it had more action than any other routine I did.

The Gang of Gymnastics by Lucy R & Leea


My Gymnastics Experience
It was so much fun doing gymnastics. I did better than last year. The hardest thing was the box. I didn't  get very high marks.
By Lucy R

Gymnastics Festival by James

Gymnastics Festival By James on PhotoPeach

My gymnastics experience My favourite part was the group routine.

Fynn's Gymnastics

Gymnastics Day By Fynn on PhotoPeach

My Gymnastics Experience
My favourite routine is skipping because I like jumping and waving my arms in even circles.

Gymnastics by Finn

Gymnastics Day by Finn on PhotoPeach

My Gymnastics Experience
Hi I`m Finn and I went to the Gymnastics festival. I thought the team routine was tricky. I even missed a step!

Gymnastics Day by Boston

Gymnastics Festival by Boston on PhotoPeach

My favourite routine was Skipping because I like jumping and I was pretty good at it. My score out of 5 was 4.0.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Hi, I'm Michael and I'm going to tell you about some of the things I've done recently. First I'll start with the Kids For Kids concert. It was night time and I was getting really excited about the Kids For Kids concert. In the morning we had to get to school by half past eight because if we didn't we'd be late for the practice, where we were singing with Suzanne Prentice. Some of the songs we were singing were Love is in the Air, Mary's Boy Child, Twelve Days Of Christmas and other Christmas songs.

In blogging I have learned:

  1. to make a post.
  2. to file new window.
  3. to do comments-moderate.
  4. to use the code.
  5. to refresh a page.
  6. to make a slide show.
  7. to edit images.

    I liked blogging because I learnt lots of things.

    These are some highlights of the year.

    Passing a plank.
    Allowed to touch planks but not grass.

    Practising on the recorder.
    Presenting to the school.

    Wednesday, October 13, 2010


    Hi, my name is James. I am nine years old and almost ten. My birthday is the 17th of October.

    I am going to tell you some of my hobbies. I like to climb trees. I like origami, that is my favourite hobby. I can make a frog and a crane and many other things. My favourite colour is bright green.

    My favourite subject at school is Topic. On Monday the 20th of September 2010 we all went to a concert to sing with Suzanne Prentice. We sang nineteen songs. It was lots of fun. I hope you liked my diary.

    In blogging I have learnt how to...
    1 Make a slide show.
    2 Delete a slide show.
    3 File a new window.
    4  Put a photo on my blog.
    5 Open a new window.
    6 Close a new window.
    7  Make photos brighter.
    8  Make a photo bigger.
    9  Crop a photo.
    10 Put music on slide shows.
    I really like blogging. I am trying to be a excellent person at it.
    Music time!
    Boing boing

    Me with me half maori
    Cycle time!

    Tuesday, October 12, 2010

    My Diary by Finn

    Hi! I`m Finn and I`m ten years old and I like Lego and school. I have a pet cockatiel named Nibbles because he nibbled me a lot when I got him. My best friend is Connor who is part German and Kiwi. Riwaka school is a cool school with nine classes and music classes. In my classroom, Room Five, you will have the best teacher, Mrs Bryant. Riwaka school is an awesome school because it has a huge field and playground and a lot of kind teachers and kids and that's why I love Riwaka school.

    In blogging I have learned:

    1. I learnt how to post comments.
    2. I learnt how to make slideshows on Photo Peach.
    3. I learnt how to photos on a blog
    4. I learnt how to how to make photos brighter.
    5. I learnt how to make a post.
    6. I learnt how to moderate comments.
    7. I learnt how to put music on slideshows.
    8. I learnt how to use codes.
    9. I learnt how to number a list.
    10. I learnt how to file new window.
    I thought blogging was real fun because we had the best tutor  Bweb man.

                                                           Some of my highlights this year.
    Me and my team chasing the ball.
    Me bouncing about.

    Monday, October 11, 2010


    Hi! I'm Cheyenne. I'm nine years old. I go to Riwaka School. My favourite subject is music. Our music teacher is Mr Bond. Speaking of music we did a concert called Kids for Kids! We sang Christmas carols.
    But there was one problem, it was at night time so I almost fell asleep on my friend's shoulder, and it was highly embarrassing.

    Enough of that now. I'll talk about my family. I've got five mammals in my family: one cat and four people. The cat's name is Fufu and my Mum Nicola , my Dad Spencer and my extremely annoying brother Caspian who likes to mess up my room.

    In blogging I have learnt :

    1. How to make a slideshow.
    2. How to insert pictures.
    3. How to preview a post.
    4. How to refresh a page.
    5. How to edit a post.
    6. How to go to the dashboard.
    7. How to moderate a comment.
    8. How to go to blogger.
    9. How to crop a picture. 
    10. How to number a list.
    I thought that doing blogging was the most fantastic thing I've done on computers, I got better and better at it.


    Me and my friends!
    Pyramid perfecto!

    Bubble gum bills!
    Go! Don't stop!

    Imogen's Diary!

    Hi, my name is Imogen. I'm 9 years old and I go to Riwaka School. I 'm in Room 5. I've just done the Winter sports tournament. There was a choice of rugby, netball, soccer or hockey. I chose netball.

    My favourite colour is purple. My hobbies are netball, touch rugby, tap dancing, non competitive swimming and playing outside. I also like playing with my teddy bear and I also like card making.

    In my family there is Mum, Dad, my brother Will and me. I have 2 sets of grandparents, 11 cousins and 4 sets of aunties and uncles.

    We have 11 pets: 2 cockateils, 1 dog, 6 chickens, 1 sheep and 1 horse.

    In blogging I have learnt:

    1. That file new window brings up Dog Pile.
    2. How to minimise pages. 
    3. How to get minimised pages.
    4. How to make a slide show.
    5. How to make comments.
    6. How to copy and paste.
    7. How to edit posts.
    8. How to moderate comments.
    9. How to edit images.
    How to make a numbered list.

    I thought blogging was fun.

    Here are some pictures of me.




      Hi, my name is Leea. I am 10 years old. I live in Motueka. I have a little sister called Kaley and she's 5. I have a black labrador called Coop. My favourite colours are purple and green. My hobbies are netball and scrapbooking.

      My friends are Imogen, Jenna, Cheyenne, Karly, Lucy J, Lucy R, Isabella and Frankie.

      What recently happened this week was Kids For Kids concert. Kids For Kids is where schools perform in the Hope Community church. We sang Christmas songs. Kids For Kids is about World Vision and guess who sang with us . . . Suzanne Prentice.

      In blogging I have learnt:
      1. To put my picture on a slideshow and how to edit my slideshow.
      2. To post my diary on the blog.
      3. Minimise a page.
      4. To post a comment and moderate a comment.
      5. To get on to blogger.
      6. Use appropriate and appealing music.
      7. Use code.
      8. File new window.
      9. Edit images.
      10. How to retrieve a page. 
      11. Numbered list
      In blogging I enjoyed: making my diary,learning how to make and post a 
      comment and putting pictures on my diary.

      These are some highlights of the year.

        This is me!
        This is our pyramid.

        I'm at the back.

        I'm on my pink bike.

        Fynn's Diary

        Hi my name is Fynn and I'm going to talk to you about what I have been doing in the past week.In the past week the class and I have been practising for the Kids for Kids concert, on the twenty first of September. The day is finally here we are getting ready for the practice with Suzanne Prentice. We have to do nineteen songs, some of them are traditional songs.

        In blogging I have learnt:

        1.  How to edit photos on my post
        2.  How to make a post.
        3.  How to post a comment
        4. How to minimize blogger
        5.  How to moderate comments
        6. How to edit posts
        7. How to choose appealing music
        8. How to file new window 
        9. How to use code
        I thought blogging was fun because we learnt new and interesting things.
        Go Lucy go
        Watch out Fynn

        Go Fynn Go 
        This is me talking with Connor


        Campbell's diary


        Hi my name is Campbell and I'm ten years old. I will be telling you what I'm going to do in the weekend.
        In the weekend I am going to Pohara and we are going to take our boat so we can go out fishing. We have hired a batch. We might go to the salmon farm and get some salmon while we are there. I hope I'm going to have a great weekend. I'm going to talk about myself now. What I like about myself is that I can run fast and I'm good at sports like soccer.

        In blogging I have learnt:

        1. How to make a slideshow.
        2. How to put music on my slideshow.
        3. How to make another window.
        4. To choose appropriate music.
        5. To insert images.
        6. To use the code.
        7. To edit post
        8. To make a numbered list.
        9. How to minimise blogger.
        I've really enjoyed blogger this year.

        Here are some highlights of the year.

          That looks hard!
          Bouncy bouncy!

            LUCY J'S DIARY

            Hi, I am ten years old. My birthday is on the twelfth of September. I was born in Australia. I have been to Thailand before. I have got four people in my family, Anthony my dad, Dee my mum, Samuel my brother and me. I have also got pets, six chickens and one axolotl. My favourite colour is blue. 

             In blogging I have learnt...
            1. how to make a slideshow
            2. how to insert images
            3. how to refresh a page
            4. how to preview a page
            5. how to edit posts
            6. how to go onto the dashboard
            7. how to moderate a comment
            8. how to go to the blogger
            9. how to change the language
            10. how to file new window

            I thought it was really neat because we got to make our own blog.

            These are some highlights of the year.

            Hey,look it's me
            Look at me go

            Bubble gum photo