Tuesday, November 24, 2009


My name is Shania . I have 2 cats and 7 kittins . My family members are, Gen,Zion,Kingi,Jake,Rhyse,Mum,Dad and I . I go to Riwaka school . My teacher is Joy Bryant. My best friend is Emily Kelly.My favourite sport is netball . My position in netball is GS . My favourite colour is blue .

In blogging I have learned:
  1. To find my way round the school web site.
  2. How to make a post.
  3. Get the picture from the camera and put it into the iphoto.
  4. Export pictures to the desk top.
  5. Put the photo into our post.
  6. Slideshow
  7. I enjoyed doing blogging this term.


My pet is a rabbit called Boying and cat called Aroara.
In blogging I have learnt:
  1. The way around the school website.
  2. How to make a post.
  3. How to get pictures from the camera to iphoto.
  4. How to put the picture into my diary.


My pets are one dog named:Bilbo two rabbits Thumper and Zip. I have one brother Zach. My dad is Brett and my mum is Samantha. I have a girl cousin Deazy and a boy cousin Nichcalis.
My friends are Cristian, Jared,Harry, Aaron, Steele, Isaac, Aidan, Sean and Bradley.
In blogging I have learnt:
  1. How to look round the school web.
  2. We made a post.
  3. Get our pictures from camera to iphoto.
  4. Export picture to desktop.
  5. We put our photo into our post.


My name is Caitlyn.  I have a pet cat called Casper.  I have a sister Brianna, a brother Cameron and a Mum and Dad.  I like dancing Netball and swimming. I go to Riwaka school my teacher is Mrs Bryant. I have lots of friends Shania , Megen , Tate, Morag, Anabelle ,Tori, Ashely, Emily and Jade. My class room is room five.  I am doing a dancing contest on Saturday Tuesday and Wednesday. My favourite colour is pink.
In blogging I have learnt :

  1. To find my way around the school website.
  2. How to make a post.
  3. To put the photo in to Iphotos.
  4. To export pictures to the desk top.
  5. To put my picture into my post.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


This movie is danced by Alana and published by Morag and Ashlee.